Wednesday 25 April 2012


Diigo (4/5): Diigo received an almost perfect score because it is an amazing site that allows students and teachers to collaborate on a different level.  Diigo allows people to bookmark, highlight, add sticky notes, etc... onto webpages visited. At the same time, it saves the marking for students to visit later.

One of the greatest thing this website allows is for students to work together from different stations on research papers. A student can highlight a section they do not understand and a teacher can clarify. A student can leave a note for his or her group mates to read about a certain section. Annotations made will not be erased if you log off. As long as you log in with the same username, previously made annotations will still be there.

I will most definetly consider using this in my classroom when I become a teacher. I will be using this for my next research project and will spread the word about it. This is a very good educational instrument.

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